Elias Rønnenfelt
Hungry for Love
Bailo otra vez borracho desaprobando la dictadura del orgasmo
Soy el monstruo idiota que saliva delante de la carne
Y me encuentro otra vez con este objeto oscuro
Que despierta mis antiguas soledades
Placeres tristes
Amores frios
Delicadezas manipuladoras
Prefiero abrazar el caos
Oler sexos descerebrados
Besar cuerpos ensangrentados
Porque dentro de estos cuerpos
Hungry hungry hungry for your love
Hungry hungry hungry, I'm hungry for love
Come on, alright, oh yeah
I'm hungry in the city
Hungry in the street
I wake up in the morning with a feeling so real
Come on, oh yeah, alright
I'm hungry in the battle
Hungry when I'm dry
I wake in the night with a feeling so real come on
I try to keep it real
Walking on the street
I had a sensation with a feeling so real
Come on alright oh yeah yeah yeah
I'm hungry hungry hungry hungry for your love
I'm hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry for love
Oh come on, alright
I'm hungry in the morning
Hungry in the day
I'm hungry in the evening with a feeling so real real real
I'm hungry hungry hungry hungry for love
I'm hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry for love
Oh come on
Just try and is it working
In the hospital
In the hospital
I was born in the year 1992 babe
And I came out feeling
Just feeling something like this
I'm hungry hungry hungry hungry for your love
I'm hungry hungry hungry I'm hungry for
I grew up to be a boy hungry for love
All through kindergarten playground, grade school, high school, med school, law study, working, hoarsely feeling
Like I'm hungry hungry hungry I'm hungry for love
I'm hungry hungry hungry I'm hungry for love
Oh come on alright
Yeah I'm hungry when I'm honest
Hungry when I lie
I'm hungry when I'm laughing
I'm hungry when I cry
I'm hungry when I'm dry
I'm hungry when I'm hustling
Hungry when I'm working with a feeling so real
I'm hustling hustling hustling
Hustling for your love
Trying to keep it real
I'm hungry hungry hungry hungry for love
I'm hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry for love
I'm hungry
I'm hungry
For love